Friday, December 21, 2012

Kali Pertama Bersemuka...~~

Hari ni 22/12/12, ak akan menjemput "FS" di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA). Berdebar jugk rasa hati ni sbb kali ni bersemuka bukn sekadar teman biasa tetapi sbg seseorang yg ak anggap insan baru yg istimewa hadir dalam hidup ak....hahaha.

But its ok Farid (monolog dalaman), buat je cam biasa, control macho, cool and calm plus steady je broo. Susah jgk kalau nak feel brcinta kembali ni, sume nak kene perfect haha i mean, first impression is the most important even mmg "FS" prnah lihat n usha2x ak dlu tpi itu situasinye brlainan sekarang dah lain.

Adoiiiii Farid uiii, napelah ko volunteer nak amk die kt airport haaaa skang gentar sndiri r brooooo......!
Bukan volunteer sbnrnye, cuma ak fikir bila dh declare so kte kene lah tnjukkn effort as a couple isn't? Lagipun nnti pasni cam sukar jer nak jumpe die, sbb "FS" ni akan pindah Kedah nun jauh di utagha. AWAT JAUH BETOIIII?? Hahaha

Jauhh tdak pnjadi penghalang sbnarnye, as long as kite saling prcya, jujur, setia dan amanah....hahaha. Yer ak tau sume perkataan ni common, mmg mudah utk dilafaz tapi sukar utk laksanakan. Itu adattttt, we r human mmg ad skit trkucil dgn kata2x tu hahahaha. But then, kite kene usaha utk jdikan ap yg dikatakan itu berhasil kannnnn.

So, itu jelah ak nk ceghite kome oiii, sbb dlm hti ni mmg nerves, cuma ak ni pndai brlakonnye bwekkkk...haha ermm smart x smart pn xper urself but try to be de best x gituu...~

Hallo bloggers, lame dah dakwat tak tumpah...tap! tap! tap!.....

Life Me A River...~~

Your Life Is Like A River! Indeed!

Ur life begins small, something like the drops of rain which become small streams and eventually great rivers which flow into the ocean. 

The river will at times change direction because of obstacles encountered, but will continue the journey to its goal. When one path is blocked it seeks another path.

The river is patient, for it knows it will eventually reach its destination. It is also consistent and persistent...............

Hallo Bloggers, I'm Back....tap...tap...tap...tap.                     (21st December 2012)